
As a dynamic and fast-growing tech company with a global customer base, Worldstream has a lot of news to share. Worldstream hosting news, press releases, updates, blogs, you name it – it’s all here.

Server Clustering vs Dedicated Servers: Key Differences and Benefits for Your Business
A dedicated server can be deployed individually to host (web) applications. However, you can also use multiple dedicated servers to function in a cluster as one. This server deployment concept is called server clustering.
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What IT leaders need to know about the Digital Services Act
The Digital Services Act (DSA) went into effect earlier this year, but what does it really mean for IT organizations? Wait a minute, that's only for online platforms with more than 45 million users, right? Not quite.
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Lage netwerklatentie sector
Low Network Latency: Critical for Sectors like E-commerce, Cloud, and Healthcare
A low latency in the network is in fact important for any industry. After all, as an organization, you usually want a sublime IT application user experience and maximum reach for your (web) applications. However, there are certain industries that are especially sensitive to network latency, some more than others. In this blog article we will describe the ins and outs.
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Considerations When Migrating to a New Colocation Data Center
Considerations When Migrating to a New Colocation Data Center
Before migrating your IT infrastructure and precious company data from on-premises to an external colocation data center, or from your current colocation provider to a better alternative, you might want to take the following aspects into consideration.
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Optimaliseer jouw serverinfrastructuur door peering
Understanding Network Peering - Optimizing Your Server Infrastructure
An important aspect of the regional and international Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solutions that Worldstream offers is the associated network infrastructure.
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 The Future of Global Gaming Infrastructure
Cloud Gaming: The Future of Global Gaming Infrastructure?
There is a noticeable rise in cloud gaming and the provision of games on cloud infrastructure for gamers all over the world. Worldstream’s fast dedicated servers with a reliable, low-latency global network connection and ample bandwidth capacity are still well-liked in the gaming business, but we certainly believe cloud gaming is the way of the future.
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Power Grid Congestion in Amsterdam
Power Grid Congestion in Amsterdam: Rotterdam Emerges as Colocation Hub
The discussion about power availability in the Amsterdam area and its impact on colocation data centers has been ongoing for some time.
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The Benefits of Integrating Managed Services with Data Center Colocation
The Benefits of Integrating Managed Services with Data Center Colocation
For managed service providers (MSPs), integrating data center colocation into the services portfolio can be a very attractive option to broaden, enrich and enhance the MSP offering.
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How to Optimize VPS Deployments on Dedicated Servers and Cloud
How to Optimize VPS Deployments on Dedicated Servers and Cloud
Managed service providers (MSPs) frequently use our infrastructure services to offer robust VPSs to their customers. In this article, our engineers give some guidance on how to further increase the performance and efficiency of VPSs
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When to Switch from VPS Hosting to Dedicated Servers?
Determining the right time to switch from Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting to a dedicated server can be essential to ensure the optimal performance and stability of web applications. However, there are several factors that can influence the decisive moment to switch from VPS hosting to a dedicated server. In this article, we will explain which decision factors come into play.
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Reasons to Consider Dedicated Servers over VPS Hosting
Reasons to Consider when Selecting Dedicated Servers vs VPS Hosting
As an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) provider, Worldstream does not offer VPS hosting itself. We’re familiar though with virtual private server installations. The most robust dedicated servers from Worldstream are particularly popular for VPS hosting deployments, by end users and hosting resellers such as MSPs and system integrators alike.
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Ten Dedicated Server Security Tips
Ten Dedicated Server Security Tips - Best Practices
Adequate setup of security for a dedicated server is essential to have a positive experience with the (custom as well as standardized) dedicated servers offered in Worldstream’s web shop and delivered to customers worldwide. In this article, we will name and briefly explain the most important dedicated server security best practices.
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Server Patch Management Worldstream
Server Patch Management Best Practices by Worldstream Support
When it comes to keeping servers updated and secured against vulnerabilities, patching can be a laborious but essential task. Effective and consistent server patching will prove to be the difference in providing a positive experience on the user side.
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Worldstream Engineer Dedicated Servers
Applications and Benefits of Utilizing NVMe SSDs for Dedicated Servers
As the data usage of organizations continues to expand, NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory Express) SSDs are emerging as the preferred solution for increasing I/O (input/output) speeds and reducing latency in dedicated server configurations. Worldstream offers various dedicated server setups with NVMe SSD, a great technology that provides superior server performance.
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Freshstream Acquires Majority Stake in Worldstream and Strengthens Management Team
Freshstream Acquires Majority Stake in Worldstream and Strengthens Management Team
Private equity firm Freshstream, with offices in London and Amsterdam and a recently established €762 million investment fund, has taken a majority stake in Worldstream. Worldstream owners Dirk Vromans and Lennert Vollebregt remain with the company with a minority stake, while Worldstream’s management team has been further strengthened with CEO Ruben van der Zwan and board chairman Eric Boonstra.
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Multi-Cloud Compliance and Regulatory Challenges
Meeting Multi-Cloud Compliance and Regulatory Challenges
With a multi-cloud architecture, organizations are faced with the task of overseeing security and compliance across a vast and maybe complicated cloud ecosystem. The different security policies and compliance requirements that each CSP brings to the table may create a labyrinth of regulations that organizations must navigate.
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Turning Multi-Cloud Into Oppurtunities
How to Turn Multi-Cloud Challenges into Opportunities
In this follow-up article on multi-cloud we discuss some of the challenges IT service providers face in getting the maximum positive outcome from multi-cloud. Like the data egress costs and data protection.
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Navigating Multi-Cloud
Navigating Multi-Cloud: How to Support Clients as an IT Leader
Multi-cloud solutions have become essential for IT service providers such as Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and Systems Integrators to satisfy a wide range of customer expectations.
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EuroISPA Annual Report
Digital policymaking in 2024, according to EuroISPA
EuroISPA has released its annual policy report for 2023 and provided an outlook for 2024. This report delves into crucial topics such as the influence of AI, cybersecurity challenges in the EU, and approaches to better manage online piracy. In this report, our Chief Legal Operations Officer, Wouter van Zwieten, comments on combating online piracy.
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Article Trends Global Hosting Industry
Worldstream Identifies 6 Trends in the Global Hosting Industry
With a portfolio of Infrastructure-as-a-Service solutions that includes dedicated servers, DDoS protection, private and public cloud, data center colocation, and a wide spectrum of storage solutions, Worldstream caters to a wide range of customers regionally and worldwide. Our vast client experience has led us to identify six trends that you may find interesting to learn about.
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DDoS Attacks: 8 Ways to Prevent Them
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks may pose a serious risk to an organization’s online operations. This blog article examines eight all-encompassing tactics to prevent these kinds of attacks, with an emphasis on preventative actions like vulnerability assessments and hardening IT systems, installing firewalls and DDoS scrubbing technology, as well as utilizing high network bandwidth capacity for your traffic.
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12 Tips Dedicated Servers
12 Tips to Get More Out of Your Dedicated Server Setup
Purchasing a dedicated server package or multiple dedicated servers can be quite simple, especially in Worldstream's user-friendly server configurator, where you may personalize the configuration of the server to your exact specifications. However, what comes next? In this post we will go over 12 useful suggestions for making the most of a newly acquired dedicated server configuration.
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Worldstream Data Center
Nokia selected to modernize Worldstream’s IP edge network
Worldstream has chosen Nokia to enhance its interconnection infrastructure for Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) hosting services. This upgrade, from 100 Gbit/s to 400 Gbit/s port speeds with an immediate path to 800 Gbit/s, will remove scalability barriers and support further growth.
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Which type of storage to choose
Which Type of Dedicated Server Storage to Choose: NVMe, SATA SSD, or HDD?
The performance of a dedicated server may be significantly impacted by the hard disk type you choose. The decision you make regarding NVMe SSD, SATA SSD, or HDD will affect the performance and efficiency of your server, regardless of whether you’re running Virtual Private Servers (VPSs) on top of dedicated servers or managing dedicated servers themselves.
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Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Deployments
The Pros and Cons of Hybrid IT and Multi-Cloud Deployments
One of the options for configuring an IT environment is selecting a particular underlying infrastructure based on factors like the nature of business applications, specific storage needs, and the sector in which an organization operates. You also have the option of choosing a hybrid IT environment that allows for the use of various types of cloud computing.
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Worldstream Engineer
A Solid Network Backbone – The Core for Any IT Infrastructure
The core of your IT infrastructure and business operations is the network. It doesn’t matter if you’ve deployed a private cloud, co-located IT resources, hybrid cloud, hosted dedicated servers, multi cloud, or any other type of infrastructure, the network backbone largely determines the end user experience.
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Dedicated Servers 8 Key Applications
Dedicated Servers: 8 Key Applications in the Global Market
Dedicated servers aren’t merely about raw power. They’re also about enabling businesses to operate with unmatched efficiency and security. In a setting where milliseconds or gigabytes may mean the difference between success and failure, having a reliable, flexible, and secure server environment is not an option - it’s essential.
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Multi location Data Center Setup
The Many Benefits of a Distributed, Multi-Location Data Center Setup
As a CIO, CTO, or other IT executive, did you ever think about hosting your IT infrastructure, including your cloud environment in multiple geographically dispersed data centers? There are many benefits to organizing your data center environment in this manner.
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Multi Location Benefits
Network Latency - Its Impact on (Cloud) Server Deployments and IT Applications
Businesses are increasingly adopting cloud computing and multi-cloud architectures, which automatically results in an increase in the number of network assets and networks that may be connected to. Within such a setting, it may be crucial to take network latency into consideration while evaluating the performance and reliability of business applications accordingly.
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8 Advantages of Using SDN
8 Advantages of Using SDN for IT Infrastructure Deployment
Every year, an organization’s data consumption increases exponentially, driven by technology trends like cloud and edge computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). Cloud and associated technological innovations will continue to accelerate, boosting data consumption even further.
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Value of Fiber Optics
The Value of Fiber Optics
Fiber optic connections currently provide data center clients with the fastest Internet speeds for their IT infrastructures being deployed. By taking use of the vast bandwidth possibilities of fiber optic cables, businesses may be able to achieve data transmission rates that are both incredibly fast and ultimately reliable, significantly outpacing speeds and reliability provided by copper lines.
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Reseller Hosting
Reseller Hosting – What Does it Entail and What Can You Expect?
Reseller hosting services are provided by a sizable number of businesses globally, but there might be a significant difference in the quality and essence of reseller hosting services and what precisely each market offering entails.
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Business Benefits of Public Cloud
7 Business Benefits of Using Public Cloud Infrastructure
The ability to achieve maximum performance for an IT infrastructure and total end-to-end control from hardware to the IT applications deployed on it are two key benefits of a dedicated server architecture. However, using public cloud infrastructure can have plenty of benefits as well. In this article, we will elaborate on the various advantages of utilizing public cloud.
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Data Center Cross Connects
Data Center Cross Connects – Its Challenges and Opportunities
Data center cross connects (DCCs) are a way to directly, physical link the network(s) of an IT infrastructure within a colocation data center with the network(s) of others in the same data center, enabling them to interact and share data without the need for routing via a third-party service provider.
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Worldstream joins EuroISPA
Worldstream joins EuroISPA, the world’s largest association of ISPs
EuroISPA, the pan-European association of Internet Services Providers Associations, officially welcomed its new Forum member, Worldstream, a Dutch Infrastructure-as-a-Service provider during the Association’s General Meeting in June. EuroISPA's Industry Forum can now rely on eight companies active in the Internet industry to participate in the Association's activities under an advisory capacity.
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WS Cloud Virtuozzo
Worldstream Launches OpenStack-based Public Cloud Platform Supported by Virtuozzo
Worldstream is a fast-growing international Infrastructure-as-a-Service provider based in Naaldwijk. The current launch of a new public cloud platform based on Virtuozzo technology, called WS Cloud, aims to provide European businesses with a cost-effective public cloud alternative.
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5 Industry Trends
These 5 Industry Trends are Driving SDN Adoption
IT managers are increasingly opting for software-defined networks (SDNs) to deploy their data center services infrastructure, hybrid cloud, and cloud-based applications in a highly flexible way. In this article we shall give an overview of industry trends that are particularly driving the adoption of SDN when it comes to deploying IT infrastructures.
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5 DDoS Attacks You Should Know About
5 DDoS Attacks Any IT Organization Should Know About
DDoS attacks are still one of the biggest cybersecurity threats to web-facing IT infrastructures. For organizations with mission-critical IT infrastructures, large DDoS attacks can have catastrophic consequences, although sneaky and virulent attacks can also do quite a bit of damage.
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Private Cloud for your business
Private Cloud, Is it Right for Your Business?
As an organization, you might prefer to keep your business-critical applications and accompanying data on-premises or deployed in known data centers of a trusted IaaS company close by rather than entrusting them to a large-scale public cloud provider.
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Delivery any functionality as a service
Deliver Any IT Functionality As-a-Service
In the wake of cloud computing, all kinds of IT functionalities are now being offered as remote services from data centers located all over the globe. Often cloud-based, although not per se. In addition to IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, we are increasingly coming across new acronyms for IT functionality being delivered as-a-service. In this article, we will present an overview of these various abbreviations currently seen in the market.
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Over 10.000 Toshiba HDDs at Worldstream
Over 10,000 Toshiba HDDs are deployed at the Worldstream data centers
With state-of-the-art facilities covering over 5,000 square meters and 15,000 servers in operation, Worldstream is a major player in the IaaS market. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company serves an international customer base that includes major financial institutions, as well as established brands in the industrial, broadcasting, enterprise, and agricultural sectors.
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Dedicated Server Specs
How to Pick the Right Dedicated Server Specs
When you have decided for yourself that a dedicated server is the right hosting solution to house your web application or other kind of IT infrastructure, the next step is to choose the best fitting dedicated server. But how to select the right dedicated server specifications that match all your needs and requirements?
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Bare Metal Cloud vs Dedicated Servers
Bare Metal Cloud vs. Dedicated Servers
Dedicated hardware as provided by bare metal or dedicated servers is usually the greatest option if you’re looking for high levels of compute power, security, and privacy. The cloud, on the other hand, is known for its flexibility, scalability, and functionality. But what if you could combine the benefits of both?
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Dedicated Servers vs. Colo vs. On-Prem vs. Public Cloud
Dedicated Servers vs. Colo vs. On-Prem vs. Public Cloud
To have a deeper understanding of the various ways in which organizations can house their IT infrastructures, it might be helpful to know the key benefits and drawbacks of some of the most popular infrastructural methods for IT deployment, including dedicated servers, data center colocation, on-premises, and public cloud.
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EPYC CPUs essential for your IT strategy
Why EPYC CPUs are essential for your IT strategy
Across the entire IT industry there is one question that keeps coming back. Whether you are a system integrator for a small business or a chief technology officer at an enterprise organization. How can you constantly improve upon your infrastructure? Before you try to formulate a strategy oriented or ambiguous answer in your head, think about the following.
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Hybrid and Multi Cloud Success
Public Cloud On-Ramps – The Key to Hybrid and Multi Cloud Success
When relocating your IT infrastructure with a data center services provider, or in the event of deploying your IT infrastructure on dedicated server infrastructure, you might need direct access to one or more public cloud platforms through dedicated cloud on-ramps, also named cloud connect services.
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NFV-based Data Center Services
Why NFV-based Data Center Services Should Be on the Radar of MSPs
Managed service providers might be interested to learn about the opportunities that SDN combined with NFV can bring them. Why? An increasing number of Enterprises and SMB organizations is moving from legacy IT infrastructure to hosted, on-demand cloud applications.
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Amstel Gold Race 2022
Amstel Gold Race will take place for the 56th time
Worldstream is a proud main sponsor of the 56th annual Amstel Gold Race. This year the race will take place on Sunday 10 April, starting in Maastricht. The organization has detailed which teams will participate in this years edition. In less than a month's time 18 teams will participate, alongside those that are invited through a wild card.
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SDN and NFV Worldstream
How SDN and NFV Can Benefit IT Infrastructure Deployment
SMBs and Enterprises increasingly have a need for flexible networks with greatly enhanced network functionality. This market requirement is triggered by trends such as cloud computing, hybrid IT, edge computing, Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and also 5G-driven use cases.
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Cloud Worldstream
The cloud is not serverless, in search of a better definition
Today, the cloud seems to be a catch-all term for all shared compute resources that can be utilized without any third-party intervention. Requesting resources in real-time so that it is acutely available to the end user. For many this is still an abstract concept, you might wonder if this term fits the concept.
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IaaS Article Worldstream
IaaS and the rise of As-a-Service
Nowadays it seems as if every letter of the alphabet has its own "as-a-Service" model. The emergence of these IT service models has been around for some time, however all kinds of related services are slowly getting their own abbreviation.
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Team Worldstream 2022
A massive year for Team Worldstream 2022
At the end of 2020 it was announced that Worldstream would become the official title sponsor of Team Worldstream. The speed ice skating team with Jutta Leerdam and Koen Verweij at the helm. Let us highlight the team’s amazing achievements of the past year.
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FWaaS Why do you need it?
Firewall Delivered As-a-Service: What Is It and Why Do You Need It?
Firewalls are the first line of defense in an organization’s network security. They’re capable of raising a solid ‘wall’ between your organization network and the Internet. A firewall can be hardware or software based, the latter one enabling organizations to use firewalls ‘as-a-service’ without upfront investments.
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Block Storage vs Object Storage
Block Storage vs. Object Storage: Understanding the Differences
When considering a storage solution for your IT infrastructure and making a balanced selection, it’s vital to know the actual distinctions between block storage and object storage as well as the typical applications for which each of these types of storage technologies are being used.
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If the number of users of a product or service increases, then it has a positive effect on its added value. This is the definition of network effect. But if we try to describe an internet exchange (IX) the similarities between these definitions are especially striking. An IX is the physical location where different parties, such as ISPs, exchange traffic with each other. Because multiple parties are connected and thus share intermediate connections, the benefits are shared as well.
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Best Cloud Strategy
Private Cloud vs. Public Cloud - Choosing Your Best Cloud Strategy
Which option to choose once you’ve decided to move your IT infrastructure into the cloud? Private cloud, or a public cloud solution from for example Microsoft Azure, AWS (Amazon Web Services), or Google Cloud? A hybrid mixture of both, perhaps?
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Worldstream PoP Frankfurt
Worldstream Expands into Germany, Adds Data Center in Frankfurt with maincubes
Worldstream, a fast-growing global IaaS services provider with company-owned data centers in the Netherlands and more than 15,000 dedicated servers installed, is expanding its presence across Europe with the deployment of a new data center in maincubes’ FRA01 facility in Frankfurt, Germany.
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Worldstream Launches Software-Defined Portfolio of 12 IT solutions ‘As-a-Service’
Worldstream, a fast-growing provider of IT infrastructure solutions with more than 15,000 servers installed in its own data centers in the Rotterdam/The Hague region, today launches a completely new software-defined product portfolio for the Dutch market with 12 new infrastructure IT solutions ‘as-a-service’.
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Private Cloud Worldstream
Cloud computing complements your IT infrastructure
What if you want to provide a service that would require a cloud infrastructure? First, you'll need rack space suitable for the setup of a server cluster. Subsequently the underlying hardware must be virtualized using hypervisor or containerization technology. If we speak solely for the physical implications that are required, this is already considered challenging.
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Artikel Worldstream Benefits Dedicated Servers
Are Dedicated Servers Still Relevant? We Give 6 Reasons
Dedicated hosting is one of the most powerful hosting options available to support your IT infrastructure. Dedicated servers may provide for a highly secure and performant IT infrastructure for your IT applications. In this article we will examine key advantages of using dedicated servers for your IT infrastructure. 
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DAEL Group Case Study
Case study: ‘Worldstream has the Same Entrepreneurial, Opportunity Seeking Spirit as DAEL Group’
DAEL Group, an international electrotechnical and telecommunications company with more than 300 employees working in several divisions from various country offices in Europe, has selected IaaS provider Worldstream to deliver data center services from its flagship data center in Naaldwijk, the Netherlands. “It is a pleasure working with Worldstream."
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Artikel Worldstream Anti-DDoS
Reports show a growing number of DDoS attacks, what are your options?
Worldwide DDoS attacks are up, both in size and in volume. According to several reports, there has been an increase in DDoS attacks on all metrics. An explanation can be found in the fact that attacks are becoming easier to execute, which makes them accessible to anyone.
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Worldstream Deltics Partner
Worldstream Releases Software-Defined Network with MSP Deltics as Launching Partner
Worldstream, a fast-growing Dutch provider of Infrastructure-as-a-Service technology solutions that is the main sponsor and name giver of the Dutch ice-skating team of sprint world-champion Jutta Leerdam, has officially launched its in-house developed ‘Worldstream Elastic Network’. Launching partner is managed services provider (MSP) Deltics from Hengelo, the Netherlands.
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Worldstream Eaton
Worldstream partners with Eaton to realise an ultra-energy efficient data center
Power management company Eaton supports Infrastructure-as-a-Service hostingprovider Worldstream with their setup of redundant, scalable, and energy efficient data centers in Naaldwijk. Through the use of Eaton UPSs (Uninterruptable Power Supply) as their backup power distribution this does not only guarantees their continuity and scalability, but also contributes to achieving an ultra-low Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) value of 1.15.
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Worldstream Skating Team
Worldstream is the proud title sponsor of speed skating team ‘Team Worldstream’
Worldstream, an IaaS provider in the Netherlands, has become the official title sponsor of Team Worldstream. The speed skaters plan to make the world championship with Jutta Leerdam and Koen Verweij at the helm. By becoming title sponsor, Worldstream highlights their trust in the team's effort.
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Worldstream R&D Develops Real-Time Network Visibility Technology
Worldstream R&D Develops Real-Time Network Visibility Technology for Hybrid and On-Demand IT Infrastructures
Worldstream, a fast-growing Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) provider with more than 15,000 dedicated servers under management and a proprietary global network backbone with ample bandwidth, announces that its R&D and network development departments have in-house developed a Network Performance Management (NPM) platform featuring real-time and granular network performance analysis.
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Worldstream Website DEPT
IaaS Provider Worldstream invests more than 500,000 euros in new webshop
Worldstream, a Dutch provider of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solutions for international and regional IT infrastructures, has completed the implementation of its new website. Which is a co-production of Worldstream’s own engineering department and Dept Agency, Worldstream has invested a total of more than 500,000 euros in its new website, corporate identity, logo and webshop.
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Worldstream Sponsors NXTGEN
Worldstream 1st Sponsor of NXTGEN. - The Newly Founded Dutch Speed Skating Team of Jutta Leerdam and Koen Verweij
Worldstream, a fast-growing Dutch provider of secured Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solutions for IT infrastructures with a global customer portfolio, has signed a sponsorship agreement with NXTGEN. Worldstream is the first sponsor of NXTGEN, the new Dutch speed skating team of Jutta Leerdam and Koen Verweij.
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Nomination WEN Dutch IT-channel
Worldstream Elastic Network Recognized as Cloud Innovation by Dutch IT Channel Awards
Worldstream Elastic Network, a soon to launch software-defined global network bringing full-scale IaaS hosting functionality at edge data center PoP locations across Worldstream’s global backbone, has been nominated by Dutch IT-channel Awards for its cloud innovation capabilities. Their Worldstream Elastic Network has won the ‘Cloud Hosting Provider of the Year’ award.
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Worldstream Unveils In-house Anti-DDoS
Worldstream Unveils In-House Developed Anti-DDoS Scrubbing Center with Intelligent Clustering Techniques
Worldstream, a fast-growing Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) hosting provider with a global network backbone and more than 15,000 dedicated servers under management for its global client base, announces the launch of its next-generation anti-DDoS platform, Worldstream DDoS Shield. Worldstream R&D and the company’s network-team have worked on the DDoS scrubbing center for a year in total.
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Worldstream partners with Arista
Worldstream Partners with Arista, Develops Custom-Engineered Elastic Network (SDN) on Top of Its Global Network Backbone
Worldstream, a fast-growing global provider of security-focused Infrastructure-as-a-Service hosting solutions with more than 15,000 dedicated servers installed in its company-owned data centers in the Netherlands, announces a strategic technology partnership with Arista Networks. Arista’s hardware allows Worldstream’s engineering teams to uniquely design its virtualized, elastic network (SDN) on top of the Worldstream global network backbone.
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International Hosting Provider Worldstream Achieves PCI DSS Certification
Worldstream, an international IaaS hosting provider experiencing more than 40% year-over-year growth for 5 years in a row now, today announces its achievement of compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) version 3.2. This is designed to minimize the exposure of credit card data to risk of fraud or compromise.
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Worldstream Revamps Executive Leadership Team
Hosting Company Worldstream Revamps Executive Leadership Team to Support Projected Global Growth
Worldstream, a fast growing provider of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) hosting solutions with more than 15,000 dedicated servers installed and a global network with ample bandwidth available, is preparing itself for further global growth in response to increased customer demand by announcing a major revamp in its management lineup and promoting six of its employees to the role of company director.
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Worldstream Data Center Exterior
Hosting Provider Worldstream Announces Phase 2 Expansion at Its Flagship Data Center
Worldstream, a fast-growing hosting provider delivering security-focused solutions including dedicated servers and colocation as well as global connectivity and DDoS protection through their proprietary global network with ample bandwidth available, today announces a 268-rack expansion at its company-owned, flagship data center in Naaldwijk, the Netherlands.
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Worldstream Expands R&D Department
Global Hosting Company Worldstream Significantly Expands The Size of Its R&D Department
Worldstream, a fast-growing Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) hosting provider with more than 15,000 dedicated servers installed in their two company-owned data centers in the Netherlands, has expanded its Research & Development department from 3 to 10 employees in just a few months time.
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PoP in Milan, Italy
Worldstream Expands Global High-Volume Network, Adds PoP in Milan, Italy
Worldstream, a fast-growing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) hosting provider with security-focused services including dedicated servers, colocation and DDoS attack mitigation, has expanded its high-volume global network to include a Point of Presence (PoP) in one of IRIDEOS’ fifteen data centers in Italy, in Milan.
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